Palermo. Team from “Striscia” attacked by illegal occupants

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Stefania Petyx was thrown down the stairs, the video operator chased and the video camera destroyed, in a building in Via Giuseppe Savagnone in Palermo.
On October 10th , 2018, in Palermo, the journalist Stefania Petyx, a reporter from Striscia La Notizia, and the video operator who was with her, were attacked by one of the illegal occupants of a private building that in the past had been the premises of the Provincial Health Authority (ASP) and was in an abandoned condition.

One of the occupants shoved Stefania Petyx making her fall down the stairs and stamped on her. Then he tried to grab the cameraman who managed to escape him but was caught up by other occupants who hit him from behind and destroyed the camera. The cameraman took refuge in a pharmacy.

The reporter and the cameraman called the police and together with them they returned to the building in Via Giuseppe Savagnone where the occupants again tried to attack the cameraman. The reportage was broadcast on Channel 5 on October 15th, 2018 (see here).

Stefania Petyx told Ossigeno that “After this attack I heard more than I did previously that people were on my side and I saw more effectiveness in law enforcement.”

Solidarity was expressed by the President of the Sicilian Region, Nello Musumeci and by the Mayor of Palermo, Leoluca Orlando, who announced that he will act as a civil party in the trial. Solidarity also expressed by the Sicilian Order of Journalists and the Italian National Press Federation (FNSI).


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