Ossigeno has verified a further 8 threats – 15th October 2018

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The victims are the journalists Angela Camuso and two technicians (Lazio), Federica Angeli (Lazio), Claudio Taverna (Trentino Alto Adige), Federico Gervasoni (Piedmont) twice, and Giuseppe Crimaldi (Campania). From the 1st January to the 13th October 2018 Ossigeno has ascertained and documented 221 unjustifiable attacks of the same type.

“Ossigeno per l’Informazione” maintains that the episodes described below represent unjustifiable violations of the freedom of expression and press freedom. The names of the journalists and bloggers directly affected have been added to the Table of Names of victims of unjustifiable attacks.

LAZIO – Angela Camuso and two technicians
The journalist Angela Camuso and the two video technicians who were with her were attacked by a group of migrants, whilst they were reporting for the TV programme Stasera Italia, a talk show produced by the editorial team of Tg4. The attack happened on the 21st September 2018 in Rome near Termini Station. The team’s video-camera was destroyed. The programme was transmitted on the 25th September 2018 (see here).
Further news of it is on ossigeno.info

LAZIO – Federica Angeli
On the 4th October 2018 in Ostia (Rome) during the compulsory eviction operation from the public housing illegally occupied by Vincenzo Spada, a nephew of the gang boss Carmine Spada, the journalist Federica Angeli, an editor with La Repubblica was threateningly insulted by four women belonging to the same family. Her police escort considered it prudent to move her away. “They don’t frighten me” she said.
See further details on ossigeno.info

On the 21st September 2018 the court of Trento absolved, from the charge of defamation in print, the journalist Claudio Taverna former editor of the online daily newspaper Lavocedeltrentino.it and the provincial councillor Claudio Cia. For the judge, “the facts do not constitute an offence”.
The two had been sued in February 2017 by Livia Ferrario, director-general of Dipartimento della Conoscenza (the Department of Knowledge) of the province of Trento, for an article published on Lavocedeltrentino. The article which contained excerpts from a communication of councillor Cia, dealt with the problems of the schools in Trento concerning the assigning of senior posts following the exclusion of those only having a diploma. The journalist was accused of a lack of checking.

PIEMONTE – Federico Gervasoni
On the 30th September 2018 the journalist Federico Gervasoni, collaborator with the daily newspaper La Stampa was insulted and threatened on Facebook by someone linked to the neo-Fascist group Avanguardia Nazional. “disgusting worm”, “I know who you are”, “shitface”, “I’ll harm you”: these were some of the comments posted on social network a few hours after the publication of two articles in which Gervasoni described a brawl in Brescia between “naziskins and opponents”. The attacks have gone on since the 2nd August. On the 31st July Gervasoni had published an article on the re-birth of the Fascist movement. The journalist has made three formal complaints to the police headquarters in Brescia. Standing by Gervasoni were the editorial committee of La Stampa, FNSI (the Italian National Press Federation) the sub-Alpine press association and the Piedmont branch of the Order of Journalists.

CAMPANIA – Giuseppe Crimaldi
On the 28th September 2018 in Naples, the journalist Giuseppe Crimaldi, editor of Il Mattino was kicked by three immigrants. It happened in the Vasto neighbourhood where he had gone to document with photos and videos the tensions among the immigrants who live there. The journalist was, moreover, intimidated by a member of the local police who was present and who ordered him to delete the video he had recorded with his mobile phone and who followed him into a shop where the journalist had sought refuge, continuing to insult him menacingly. Crimaldi did not delete the video and on the 9th October he formally complained about the events to the police in Naples.


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