Livorno: Reporter attacked at rave party

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The journalist Luca Lunedì (Rtv38) was documenting with a video the preparations for the event when he was insulted, threatened and jostled by two young people

On November 1st 2019, in Livorno, journalist Luca Lunedì was attacked and threatened inside the warehouse of the former TRW factory, where he had gone to document, for the Tuscan TV Rtv38, the preparations for a rave party that would start a few hours later and last for another two days.

In that same area, on the morning of November 3rd , the body of a young woman was found dead probably due to a drug overdose.

TRW manufactured car steering systems. It had employed 413 workers but was closed in 2014. Since then its warehouses have become one of the places in Italy that has hosted several unauthorized musical gatherings of that type.

THE AGGRESSION – The journalist told Ossigeno that he arrived on November 1st at around 4.00 pm Before entering the former factory building he presented himself to the special branch police officers who guarded the entrance. Then he entered the first shed, where some musicians were practicing. He approached two young men and explained his intentions. “I didn’t want to do anything concealed, I wanted to be recognizable and avoid problems. So I kept the camera in plain view and turned off “. The two young people did not object. But then they chased him and attacked him. First they insulted him with expressions such as, “ Jackal, you do a shit job, you don’t have to come here “. Then they started shoving him, holding him by his rucksack and trying to get his camera. They let him go only when he said he had warned the special branch patrol that was at the entrance. He then left, giving up on filming, “to avoid public order problems,” he told Ossigeno. The Tuscan Order of Journalists expressed its solidarity.


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