Guy Berger, UNESCO – the Ossigeno method is a world model

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The director of the UNESCO division for the freedom of expression and media development, Guy Berger, complimented Italy for its protection of journalists.

Berger emphasised that “the monitoring mechanism and the method that is used by Mr Spampinato and his team is something that leads the world” during the conference “Journalists attacked – the attackers unpunished” organised in Rome on the 22nd October 2018 by Ossigeno per l’Informazione together with the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom in Leipzig to celebrate the UN International Day for putting an end to impunity for crimes against journalists. Berger, already active in the struggle for human rights and against apartheid in South Africa, then university teacher and journalist, complimented Italy and its democratic institutions for the commitment which has enabled them to save the lives of many journalists in danger and at the same time safeguarding a free press. “This – he added – is the result of an intense effort of prevention and protection, the fruit of cooperation among magistracy, security forces, the Ministry of the Interior, the media and exponents of civil society such as Ossigeno”.

Berger cited Italy as a positive example also for the battle against organised crime. He had realised this after meeting in Vienna, the national anti-Mafia prosecutor Cafiero De Raho at the conference of interested parties at the UN Convention on the fight against organised crime.

“Congratulations to Ossigeno” – he concluded turning to the participants in the Senate’s Koch Hall – “also because, this meeting today is the first celebration this year in Europe and probably in the world, of the UN International Day to put an end to impunity for crimes against journalists on the 2nd November each year”.


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