Tag Archive for: emilia-romagna

Italy. Threats for an article on nostalgics for Mussolini

"I was not left alone", says Niccolò Zancan, special correspondent of daily La Stampa

Bologna. 8 years to confirm the sentence of 11 attackers of the journalist Barbetti

The reporter suffered a fractured elbow. He was attacked by hoodlums while covering for a daily the Lega leader Matteo Salvini's visit to a camp of nomads

Bologna. Owner of pub insults journalists and prosecutor who wants to dismiss his lawsuit

In January the owner had sued for criminal libel the reporter Valerio Lo Muzio who had filmed the violations in his pub of the anti-Covid restrictions

Ferrara. “You will be slaughtered like a pig”. Threats to the journalist of “La Nuova”

The writing appeared in the city on a wastepaper bin. A police officer is also threatened. Investigations are  underway. Solidarity from media fellows

Italian journalist not investigated but wire-tapped then sued. His doubts were legitimate

The magistrate had asked for € 80,000 for damages, but now he has to pay legal fees to Enrico Barbetti ,reporter of the daily "Il Resto del Carlino"

Reporter in trouble for a phone call to a magistrate

Silvio Leoni was subject to a search, the confiscation of his mobile phone and is under investigation for serious offences for telephoning the President of the Court of Assizes of Bologna

Ossigeno has identified 14 other threats

Those targeted include the journalists Marco Benanti, Enzo…