25 March 2022InLegal defence, Peer support Italy. Ossigeno legal aid to the monthly sued for €250.000 damages
25 March 2022InFact-checked violations, MAP Project What the hell are you wearing? Journalist insulted sues and obtains apology
25 March 2022InFact-checked violations, Legal defence, MAP Project Legal assistance by Ossigeno to two reporters sued for 250.000 € compensation
25 March 2022InFact-checked violations, MAP Project A publisher defines a MP anti-semite and xenophobe. Sued and acquitted
24 March 2022InEditorial, MAP Project, Peer support Libel. Thoughts and troubles by a freelance journalist who has been sued
22 March 2022InMAP Project, News The Ossigeno event to remember the journalists killed and the victims of mafia
19 March 2022InUpdates Potenza. The trial for an arson attack on a journalist’s home begins after four years
18 March 2022InMAP Project, Updates Bologna. 8 years to confirm the sentence of 11 attackers of the journalist Barbetti
17 March 2022InFreedom of Expression, MAP Project, Peer support Women journalists as target of gender discrimination around the world. Debate
16 March 2022InFact-checked violations Bolzano. Envelope with an unexploded bullet delivered to daily press room