Lawsuit: Corrado Formigli and Rai will not pay 5 million to Fiat

The final Court of Appeal has definitively established this, rejecting the appeal of the car company (ordered to pay the legal expenses) against the journalist being found innocent.

Ragusa: for having posted a threatening comment about Paolo Borrometi on Facebook the court of Ragusa has sentenced the individual to four months in prison

Three years after the event, the court of Ragusa has, in a shortened process, sentenced Giovanni Giacchi to four months in prison for serious threats regarding the journalist Paolo Borrometi, editor of

Legal Aid: Why Ossigeno is defending Giulia Cerino

The targeted lawsuit to which she has been subject highlights the necessity of systematising the obligation of the publisher to assist the authors of published content

Legal Aid: Giulia Cerino and the barrister Di Pietro speak

Why has the journalist sued for defamation asked Ossigeno for legal aid? The co-ordinator of the legal service puts the case in context

Reggio Calabria: Adrianna Musella will not face trial for calumny

The court decided that there was no case to answer in the case of the president of the antimafia association “Riferimenti” The procedure had been a formality

There is a risk that time will run out for the prosecution for threats made to Federica Angeli

A new trial is called for because the judge has asked for Armando Spada to be charged with a more serious offence and has petitioned the Rome prosecutor.

Turin: Four months for the reporter who followed the “No Tav” demonstrators

The reporter was held culpable for assisting in trespassing through having entered the offices of a company. The events took place in August 2012.

Despite a wave of arrests in Syracuse, the media talked only about ENI

The initiative of the magistrates involved individuals featured in the shocking investigation published in 2011 by a small newspaper in the town

Borrometi: Five years of insults, threats and attacks

This reconstruction of the most serious attacks against the Sicilian journalist because of his articles was published on the 11th April 2018 by Agenzia Italia

He said: “I’ll shoot you in the head”. Federica Angeli testifies at the trial

The journalist of La Repubblica has confirmed in court the accusations against the man who in 2013 threatened her and two video operators. Since then the reporter lives under police protection