Genoa. Bad start in trial for the aggression on one reporter by 4 policemen

The judge rejected the civil action of Ossigeno NGO, the trade union and the Order of Journalists. The comments. The story

A worrying no to NGO as civil parties at trial for the journalist hitten by policemen

A comment on the decision by the Genoa magistrate during the first hearing for the 2019 assault on the journalist Stefano Origone

Italy. Imprisonment for libel. Something is changing

About the recent decision by which the Supreme Court annulled a 8 month prison sentence of a journalist

Ossigeno provides legal defence to Italian reporter accused of violating privacy

In 2017 Mauro D'Agostino published the pay checks of the executives of a textile company that had laid off hundreds of employees

MLDI Annual Report. Threats to journalists are increasing in innovative ways

What the non-profit association, MLDI has done in 2019 to assist 329 journalists and media operators in 65 countries (in Italy with Ossigeno)

Legal defence. Ossigeno is assisting “Radio Radicale”’s correspondent in Turkey

Mariano Giustino's Facebook profile has been obscured and blocked since April 16th 2020. Facebook has given no explanation. He has resorted to legal action

The infected blood scandal, Kelly Duda and the Factor 8 video investigation

Who is the Arkansas journalist denounced by a Naples magistrate for offences against the prosecutor and defended in Court by Ossigeno per l’Informazione ?

Legal defence. Ossigeno asssists US journalist indicted by a prosecuting magistrate

Kelly Duda, after testifying at the trial which followed the great scandal of infected blood that was also used in Italy for transfusions, allegedly declared that this would be a disgrace in his country.

Verano trial: the prosecutordemands 6 years

Sentence requested for the members of Forza Nuova and Avanguardia Nazionale accused of aggression and robbery of a journalist and a photographer of L’Espresso.

Toxic mud: reporters initially sentenced then acquitted

Carlo D’Adamo and Roberta Sangiorgi, sued by the businessman from Emilia Luca Razzaboni and defended by the Legal Aid Office of Ossigeno