Ossigeno provides legal defence to journalist videoing anti-immigrant protests in Rome

A voice off screen urges the raping of a woman. The plaintiff claims that this libels him even if his name is not published - The publisher has nothing to say

Legal aid from Ossigeno to a journalist from Puglia abandoned by the publisher

Filippo Mele was sentenced in the court of first instance to pay also the compensation due from the publisher who declared bankruptcy

Legal assistance. Two reporters defended by Osssigeno acquitted after 6 year

Lorenzo Bagnoli and Lorenzo Bodrero published an article on the activities of the plaintiff in the diplomatic and entrepreneurial fields

Legal assistance. Video reporter sued by Rome police acquitted after 3 years

He was taken to a police station for refusing to erase the footage. Accused of disturbing a public service. Defended in court by Ossigeno

Ossigeno helps a journalist: acquitted but his publisher don’t pay legal expenses

OSSIGENO April 13, 2022 - The Ossigeno Free Legal Assistance…

Italy. Ossigeno legal aid to the monthly sued for €250.000 damages

A waste-disposal company consider itself defamed by the publication of an article describing the progress of a tender launched by the Municipality

Legal assistance by Ossigeno to two reporters sued for 250.000 € compensation

By a waste disposal management company considered itself defamed by an article describing the conduct of a tender launched by the Municipality

SLAPPs. Thoughts of a freealance reporter acquitted after a 7 years trial for libel

Whenever we are attacked with spurious lawsuits, we reporters who respect truth and professional ethics should be systematically helped to defend ourselves in court

Acquitted! Who pay legal fees for author of published articles sued for libel?

In Italy the indemnity of the company in favour of journalists is rarely applied - How to invoke it and make it always applicable - The case of Vanessa Valvo acquitted after 7 years

SLAPPS. After 7 years a freelance journalist defended by Ossigeno is acquitted

Vanessa Valvo was sued by a parish priest who eventually withdrew the lawsuit - The reference to Mafia Capitale scandal - Publishers, indemnity and legal fees