Italy. The Viscardi case. A typical example of a reckless lawsuit

Why the criminal legal proceedings against the journalist have been dismissed - Another victory for Ossigeno's Legal Desk

Italy. A story of criminal libel. Ossigeno helps the reporter charged

Francesco Pesante tells his judiciary calvary in this text written for Ossigeno Legal Desk

Why I counter-sue my plaintiff, tells journalists Leandro Salvia

An Italian story of criminal charges for defamation. Ossigeno helps the reporter acquitted for false allegations

Ossigeno Legal Aid to reporter sued by Ceo of Rai, Fabrizio Salini

The journalist Marco Antonellis spoke about appointments and…

Ossigeno Legal aid. Journalist sued by publisher was acquitted

Fabrizio Dell'Orso was accused of criminal defamation for an article of which he was not the author, published on a blo

Ossigeno’s legal aid to a reporter denounced by a policeman

The journalist Alessio Viscardi is on trial for violation of privacy because he spread a video of the police forces during violent riots

Nothing happens if a politician denunces committing slander?

In Italy Ossigeno and Media Defence assist reporter acquitted of defamation charges because that charges was proved fake

Italy. “My calvary as journalist with precarious job and 40 defamation lawsuits”

“It costs me a lot to continue” – Ossigeno and Media Defence's legal helpdesk granted him a cash gratuity

Legal aid to reporter sentenced for comments not removed spontaneously

Ossigeno and Media Defence assist Fabio Butera sentenced for €33,000 damages by Court of Verona

Italian reporter: “I earn a few euro per article and must pay legal fees for SLAPPs

Giuseppe Spallino, talks about his experience as a precarious freelance journalist sued for an article. Ossigeno and Media Defence are giving him their help