Off with the mask! The Supreme Court decision on imprisonment for defamation
By A. Spampinato and G.F. Mennella - The postponement forces all to say whether they are truly in favour of the abolition of the penalty of imprisonment
Rare items of news able to be found only with a lantern – 123 unanswered questions
A blind eye by the Italian media is turned towards the phenomenon of the intimidation of journalists . Why? By choice? Unintentionally?
Prison yes or no? The government needs to clarify now
The memorandum sent to the Supreme Court marks a step backwards with respect to Parliament and until proven otherwise reflects the position of the Italian government
Justice short-circuited on imprisonment for journalists
Justice short-circuited because the memorandum submitted to the Constitutional Court appears inconsistent with the guidelines of Parliament and the European Court of Human Rights.
The government likes to jail journalists
The memorandum of the State Attorney filed with the Constitutional Court suggests that it must permit two exceptions to the Italian Constitution in the application of the penalty of imprisonment to those guilty of libel.
What is wiser to do when facing reality
The lesson to be learned from the way authorities reacted to the first outbreaks of coronavirus infection and to alarms coming from data
An unfair justice system that works in reverse
There are inattentions, legislative gaps and broken promises behind the story told by Vecellio and the cases of journalists who pay damages instead of publishers
The coronavirus and disintermediation of democracy
Accused on the web of making a catastrophic narrative of the infection, journalism must deal with the need to rethink its identity. This could be the beginning of a change in the profession gripped by the logic of sensationalism
Is the dignity of a journalist worth so little?
On the compensation awarded by the Court of Paola to the journalist Paolo Orofino for a wallop.
A bad year has ended but 2020 has also begun badly
The seriousness of the phenomenon of intimidation is now well known and documented, but countermeasures are slow in coming