Revenge porn. “infamous journalist”. Death threats to Italian reporter Davide Falcioni

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An anonymous individual said that he would slit his throat and called him infamous – In recent times Falcioni has been dealing with revenge porn and protests against anti Covid measures

OSSIGENO May 21st 2021 – “You will end up with an open neck very soon”. This explicit death threat and the epithet “infamous journalist” are contained in the anonymous message that the FanPage journalist, Davide Falcioni, received on Telegram in the night between 21st and 22nd April 2021. On the 22nd April the reporter presented a formal complaint against unknown persons to the police of Offida (Ascoli Piceno).

Davide Falcioni himself told Ossigeno. “Recently – he explained – I have dealt extensively with Covid. About a month earlier, I conducted a journalist investigation into revenge porn. Judicial investigations resulted from that work. Furthermore, not infrequently, in recent times I have been subject to attacks, especially on social networks, from far-right organizations”. For the journalist, the link between the threat and his work is highly probable. Investigations will clarify whether this is the case and what precisely was the trigger.


Read here other Ossigeno news about Davide Falcioni

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