BAD NEWS from Italy | Ossigeno Newsletter 27 November 2018

Last news about violations of freedom of expression in Italy. Why is the deputy prime minister Luigi Di Maio attacking journalists. Defamation. Three draft bills under discussion in the Parliament.

Protecting whistleblowers and journalists. Seminar in Ghent

On 27 November 2018, Ossigeno will take the floor. The key-note speech will be delivered by Prof. Dirk Voorhoof

End Impunity. Video of the conference “Threatened journalists. Attackers unpunished”

Watch the video of the conference "Threatened journalists. Atatckers…

EFJ: newwhistleblowers directive must be amended

It has been asked in an open letter sent by, among others, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) to the European institutions that are currently discussing the new whistleblowers directive 

The five years under of police escort of Federica Angeli

It was hard, she admitted. But in the end her investigative journalism into mafia crime in Ostia obtained the seal of approval of the magistracy.

Protection to reporter threatened with death

Gianni Festa is the editor of the daily newspaper Quotidiano del Sud of Avellino. He was threatened. The same threat was directed at Federico Festa, who had been working in Benevento for some time.

Ossigeno has ascertained 10 more threats – 15 November 2018

The following journalists are victims: Lirio Abbate, Bruno Manfellotto, editor of L'Espresso (Lazio); Gianni Festa and Federico Festa (Campania); Roberto Di Meo and Roberto Canè (Umbria); Pino Guastella (Sicily) and Federico Ruffo and Sigfrido Ranucci (Lazio).

Why is the deputy prime minister Luigi Di Maio attacking journalists

It has to be asked if it is not a pre-meditated provocation in order to gain advantages in the bigger game with publishers. The editorial by Alberto Spampinato

Ostia: attempt to set fire to the home of the RAI Report journalist

Federico Ruffo, in a recent broadcast of Report (RaiTre) had spoken about the judicial investigation into extremist fans, the organised crime syndicate (the ‘ndrangheta) and Juventus football club officials.

A record for a defamation case: 24 years to end the trial

The Supreme Court has punished for reckless litigation those who kept two journalists in limbo and abused the trial process by diverting resources away from the protection of rights.